Parent and Student Resources
Transition planning can be a daunting task for parents and students. There are many resources available to help individuals navigate through the process. Below are several resources to explore.

Websites to visit

Transition Discoveries a network of young people with disabilities, families and stakeholders who make up a powerful network of relationships, knowledge and experience for what's working in transition creating a detailed road map for success.
The PA Secondary Transition website provides a vast amount of information and resources regarding secondary transition planning
JAN is a great resource to assist in determining appropriate accommodations an individual can utilize on the job
Guideposts for Success provides an array of information to guide one through the transition process
Transition to Adult Living in PA contains information and resources to assist individuals in navigating the transition to living as a responsible adult
Secondary Transition: What Families Need to Know
Planning for the Future Checklist
What Can I Do?: Assisting My Child Through the Secondary Transition Process
One Pagers on various topics:
Benefits Counseling Toolkit provides information on benefits an individual with a disability may receive and supports to understand these benefits when making the decision to seek employment