Educator Resources
Transition planning encompasses three post-secondary goal areas: post-secondary education and training, employment and independent living.
Developing these goals begins with assessing the students interests and preferences, vocational skills, work values, and learning styles. Then assessing the students academic and functional performance skills to identify the gap of where the student is currently functioning compared to their goals. This gap is where educational planning will focus to assist the student in reaching their goals.
For information and resources regarding assessments, visit the Transition Assessment Livebinder.

Find a vast amount of information and resources on the PA Secondary Transition Website
Post-Secondary Education and Training
Sample Post-Secondary Education and Training Goals:
4 year college or university
2 year college
Vocational school
On-the-job training
Community based employment experience
Community based habitation program
Sample Activities to Support Post-Secondary Education and Training
College placement tests (PSAT/SAT, ASVAB, etc.)
College fairs & tours
Financial aid
High school vs. post-secondary education
Accommodations (school and work)
Self-Advocacy skills
Organizational skills
Time management
Websites & Resources
Westmoreland Community College
University of Pittsburgh Greensburg
Sample Employment Goals:
Competitive employment
Supported Employment
Community based employment experience
Sample Activities to Support Employment
Career exploration
Work experience
Job shadow
Portfolio development
Resume and cover letter development
Interviewing skills
Community based instruction
OVR referral
Self-Advocacy skills
Organizational and time managements skills
Websites & Resources
Websites & Resources
Independent Living
Sample Independent Living Goals:
Live at home with family
Independent living with/without supports
Live with a roommate
Group home
Sample Activities to Support Independent Living
WCSI referral
Meal prep
Recreational activities
Driver's education
Voter registration
Travel training
Medication management
Making appointments